Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Are Chocolates good for you?

Ophotoshoot: Are Chocolates good for you?.

Valentine's day and chocolates may not make as striking a pair as V-day and roses, but they are close. Close enough that we thought we should write about Chocolates today. Though anything tasty is either illegal, immoral or fattening, chocolates may get a wink from the doctors. Read on:

For starters, dark chocolates contain anti-oxidants. This reduces your stress levels. So chomping on a bar is akin to taking a deep-breath. Definitely, the former leaves a sweet after-taste. In fact, some go on to say that they not just de-stress you but "enhance" your mood. Dark chocolates are also good for dry cough and some allergies. There are some studies that suggest that regular chocolate eaters have less risk of heart attack, stroke and also are slimmer. These may just be marketing gimmicks without a lot of truth behind them.
Chocolates, especially the dark variety, does have some advantages. However, they also are addictive and excessive consumption gives you a lot of sugars and are bad for your teeth. So, as always, a good doctor would suggest moderation.

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